When it comes to restoring lost oral functionality or improving the aesthetics of your smile, dental implants are one of the most popular solutions for people in need of dental care. But what goes into getting a dental implant? Let's take a closer look at the steps involved in this extensive procedure.

Preparing Your Mouth for Implants

First, the dentist takes an X-ray of your teeth and jawbone to determine if you are an ideal candidate for a dental implant. This X-ray determines if there is enough healthy bone structure to support the implant and checks for any signs of infection or disease. If you don't have ample available bone, it might be possible to build up your existing bone structure with a graft before moving forward with the implant process.

Once it has been determined that you are an ideal candidate, the dentist begins to prepare your jawbone for surgery. This part of the process involves surgically creating small channels in your gum tissues. Then the posts can be implanted directly into your jawbone to secure each implant tooth root. Depending on where you get your implant placed in your mouth and how many are placed, this part of the procedure can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half per tooth root!

After these preparatory steps have been taken and when all posts have been inserted into place, abutment devices are placed over each post so that crowns (or artificial teeth) can be secured onto them. The abutments act as anchors between artificial teeth and jawbone—keeping them firmly attached into place without slipping or shifting down as time passes.

Now You're Ready for the Implants

When all components have been securely attached, permanent false teeth (or crowns) are created specifically for you based on measurements from your initial X-ray imagery. Colored composite resin is applied over newly formed molds. This allows them to match the exact coloration and shape of surrounding natural teeth to create beautiful full smile symmetry with real-looking natural-like results and perfectly tailored comfort levels for every user.

Once these steps are completed, one final rinse/cleaning/polishing session is needed before any patient can leave their dentist’s office. This ensures each new set-up is medically safe and the artificial teeth retain their normal wear while simultaneously functioning properly.

In conclusion, getting a dental implant isn’t just something people do lightly. However, when properly cared for, they offer life-changing benefits by restoring confidence smiles, improved oral health, and better overall quality life experiences thanks to their long-lasting benefits!

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